Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So, I have this blog...

It's actually fairly funny.  You know, when I bother to write it.  Recently, I haven't really bothered (obviously).  Let me tell you why (or not because if I vomited the story of everything that has gone down over the course of the last month and a half all over you, I'd be fired and you'd have emotions all over your blouse).  Let me just tell you one thing.  This year has been hard and emotionally exhausting.  But, it is almost over.  Almost.  Because we still have 1.5 more days of surviving (if you think that's hyperbole, then you aren't an ASD teacher at the end of the year).  So with this snippet of a post, I recommit to bringing you the funny (I did still write even though I didn't post...so there'll be some of that, plus family vacay is coming up and hilarity will ensue, no doubt).

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