Monday, October 18, 2010

There are three things

the end of the quarter brings (there are more, but I had to narrow it down a little).

1. Snappy comments about things...meow (I am guilty, but if you consider my blog title, you already know that). There must be something about an inordinate amount of stress that makes the claws come out. That, or we are so comfortable around each other that our true personalities are showing all over the place.
2. Parent teacher conferences. Watch in awe as I try to scarf down my supper, swallow a breath mint and maybe a Tums, and go to the bathroom in the 15 minutes I allowed myself for a dinner break.
3. Assessapalooza. Please count to 100 for me by 2's, 5's and 10's, read this story, answer the questions, do these 15 word problems (be sure to show your work), and read this list of nonsense words. P.S. I'd like to apologize to Social Studies for the last 3 days. We just didn't get to you. Sorry.

It also brings my favorite thing which is the chance to take a good look at where my friends are, how far they have come and of course where we are going next.

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