Thursday, January 3, 2013

Because Life's not Fair

How easy is it say that to someone flippantly (in my case it is usually to one of the monkeys) and then turn around and complain about the injustices done to us?  Because really.  It isn't and it stinks when you are on the receiving end of unfairness.  For example, if life were fair, then I wouldn't have been evaluated today (on our second day back after break) by the Director of C/I for our district.  If life were fair, our Director would have elementary teaching experience (and not downgrade a teacher's DOK and engagement when we were clearly reestablishing routines).  If life were fair, a score of 7 would be attainable (seriously...).  So, after reading my evaluation (1 of 5 so far this year), I've made my peace (after a little weeping) with the fact that it is what it is (a black mark on an otherwise stellar record).  I get results (and really?  Isn't that what truly matters?).  So, there's my little rant for today.

1 comment:

  1. An evaluation on Day 2 back? You have my sympathy! I don't have to be evaluated for another 4 years! And my principal hasn't been in my room in a month at least! Crazy! At least tomorrow is Friday! :)
