Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Bad Weather Day!

That's right.  Our first snow day of the year!  Currently, it is still snowing (with some thundersnow, too!).  I'm not going to make any assumptions, but I'd be surprised if we go tomorrow (good call by me for not sending a homework packet this week). 

Anyway, the leadup to this storm has been about a week in the making.  I knew there was potential for an ice storm starting on Saturday.  I discussed this with my sister (who is also a teacher) on Sunday at Walmart.  By discussed, I mean I said, "Hey did you hear about the weather on Thursday?" At which point, we both started chanting, "Snow Day.  Snow Day!", drawing curious glances from those in the hardware section. 

So yesterday at school we were all a'dither with nervous/excited anticipation of the impending weather.  I checked no fewer than 10 times.  Thankfully, the powers that be called it last night (though the actual snow didn't start until around 6AM), and I could sleep easy without one ear open for my phone.

Now I am on my 3rd load of laundry and 2nd hour of cruising the Internet a the while hoping for another day (because's only a  Friday).

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