Saturday, June 4, 2011

What did I do?

You know that totally overwhelmed feeling that you get when you think maybe, just maybe, you have bitten off more than you can chew?  Yeah, I have that.  I know that with some handy list making and taking things one step at a time, it will all be better than ok.  But, that doesn't stop me from having school dreams (much like nightmares except the fear is replaced with anxiety and the cemetery is replaced with the classroom).  Let me explain...

Yesterday, along with getting ready for vacay, I moved my stuff from my old building to my new one.  While I was there, I checked out the contents of my classroom (which is in the old FACS room).  There were a bazillion cabinets of random.  Things like an adding machine (who still uses that, btw?) and Playdough in the same drawer.  So, I took an informal assessment of what was actually in that room and wow.  Just wow.

Then, I sat down to read the files for each student.  I made some notes of things to ask the coordinator and my new mentor about.  I have to say some of the things in the anecdotal records made me laugh (which reassured me that I had made the right choice because there aren't many people who find the logic of a spectrum student funny).

So here's to a summer of getting ready for a new adventure (or getting pushed off the dock in order to learn how to swim).  It will be awesome.

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